Issue #223 – Bengals Out-Bungled

November 5, 2011 in Uncategorized | Comments (0)

2011 Week 6: Colts 17 Bengals 27
Haiku Count: 1720
Find new ways to lose.
Peter Waiter’s late fumble
Foils late game comeback.
Unusual sight.
31 scampers and scores.
Touchdown, Donald Brown.
New cats have some teeth
minus Carson and The Clown.
Cincy on the rise.
Cannon legged Adam
sends ball soaring through uprights.
Money from fifty.
Bengals out-bungled.
Plenty of ineptitude
for both teams to share.
Loveable losers
keep game int’resting ’til end.
Outcome not in doubt.
Good teams can bounce back.
Bad teams must play perfectly.
No margin for error.
Horse kicked when its down
Long time cellar dweller Cats
give Colts no quarter.

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